The Recovery Radio Network Podcast has been well received within the recovery community and, is proving to be very popular with people. The amount of web traffic to this site has been amazing. In our first week of operation we have already had to double our committment for bandwidth and storage because of the demand!
We have been busy loading up some new titles on the Recovery Radio Podcasting site for your enjoyment. New speakers from AA and Al-Anon bring us personal stories of recovery, a doctor talks about the disease concept of alcoholism and, there is even a little bit of AA history. In the near future we will be bringing you stories from young people in recovery, as well as ,the Joe and Charlie 12 step workshop, and a Mary Pearl Retreat for women. RRN is currently working on getting these projects in podcast format and expects to begin broadcasting them shortly.
We have been gratified by the response from our listeners who have either left us comments, or e-mailed us with suggestions. Please keep those “cards and letters” coming! We love to hear from recovering folks and are always open to new ideas.