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Starting the first week in April we will begin the Joe & Charlie Big Book Study. This effort is segmented into 35 audio files roughly following the chapters as set out in the book Alcoholics Anonymous. We will upload a file a day for you until finished, and of course, the entire set will remain in the archives once uploaded. I use the word “roughly” simply because Joe and Charlie add some discussion elements to the books content in an effort to help the newcomer understand the basic principles of recovery as set out in the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. AA is the Grandfather of all step-based recovery programs, and the principles set out in this book are universal and apply to them all. Joe and Charlie were the Grandfathers of Big Book Studies, traveling around North America for decades, giving weekend workshops on this text. Whether you are trying to recover from alcoholism, substance-abuse, co-dependency or some other form of obsessive-compulsive disorder,what the clinicians might call sedativism, a better understanding of this text can only help.
If you are looking for additional resources for recovery related information, I recommend visiting the “Faces and Voices of Recovery” website. It is one of America’s best run charities keeping in touch with lawmakers in Washington, and on the State level, as an advocate for people in recovery. Go see what they are up to on your behalf these days!
Speaking of connections to Recovery Resources, you might check out our own collection of links. We have listings for recovery clubhouses, speakers, treatment facilities and many other things as well. They can all be found by clicking the link above. This will take you to the “Links” page on our original site. While you are there, you might look around and find some treasures on our collection of speakers and workshops as well! We have over a Gigabyte of files online ready to stream Recovery to you with just the click of a button!