iTunes and AA Speakers

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We have a good lineup of AA speakers coming up this week.

First off is Jim K. from Brainerd MN speaking on the topic of service work and how important it is to personal recovery. Then, we have Mark H from the Big D, Dallas TX, speaking at the New England Fellowship of the Spirit Conference. He is followed by Pat P. from Cleveland OH,speaking at the C.A.H. group in Euclid OH. Next up is Scott B. from Jamestown ND speaking to the Northern Plains group in Fargo. And finally, to round out the week, we finish up with Sonya B. from Golden Valley MN.  speaking on the topic of “Came to Believe” at Speakerjam 2009 in Waverly. These are people carrying the message of recovery with the hope that someone will hear it.

On the technical side, we had a little trouble with our feed to iTunes not working properly but, it looks like we got everything worked out finally. You can now subscribe to the RRN podcast through iTunes by clicking on the Advanced menu within iTunes then selecting the “subscribe to podcast” item and entering the following url into the popup box. 

In a few days, after the changes have replicated through the iTunes system, you will also be able to browse for us in the iTunes store under the podcasts section, or just type recovery radio network in the search box to find us. Since this is new for Recovery Radio, we will keep an eye on things to make sure everything is working as advertised. Our job is to be technical so you don’t have to. This is one of the reasons we decided to launch the Recovery Radio Network on iTunes in the first place.

Late breaking update: We just received confirmation that the podcast feed for the Recovery Radio Network has been accepted by the iTunes review committee. Here is the direct link to the program  provided courtesy of  iTunes .

You will need to have iTunes installed on your computer for it to work of course. If you do not already have iTunes installed, here is a link to get it.



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