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We found a tresure trove of old tapes this week and have been working to clean them up and digitally enhance them for broadcast. It is time consuming work but well worth the effort. Among the tapes we found are Sister Ignatia talking at the Long Beach California conference in 1960 and a speech by her that we believe was first given in 1953. We also found a speech by Bill W’s sponsor, Ebby Thatcher, given in Memphis Tennesee in 1958. The Reverend Dr. Sam Shoemaker is also represented by a speech he gave at the Long Beach conference of 1960. It is rewarding work to be able to preserve these voices for future generations. Imagine what a conference that must have been in Long Beach in 1960. It was a celebration for the 25th anniversary of the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous and they had an all-star lineup. Bill Wilson, Lois Wilson, Ebby Thatcher, Sister Ignatia, Rev. Dr. Sam Shoemaker, Chuck Chamberlain as Chairman. I myself was so young in 1960 that I had not begin drinking yet but ,through the foresight of individuals in California, coupled with the marvels of modern technology, I have been able to attend that conference this week. It was great!
I ran across an interesting item this week for those of you who might own iPhones. In the iPhone app store is a little application called “Pocket Sponsor” that might be of interest to you. Here is a link to the description. Also, if you are looking for a mobile version of the “Big Book” to load on a PDA, Palm Os, Blackberry, or Windows Mobile device try here. I find it useful to have AA literature with me during the day to help me grow spiritually, and these little electronic versions fill a need. I carry a Windows Smartphone and have it loaded with literature that can help me gain a better understanding. Since it is so handy and always available I use it more than if I had to find a book on a shelf somewhere. this way whenever/wherever I find myself with a few minutes to kill, I can pull out the smartphone and start reading. This works well for me since I seem to absorb information in small bites anyway. And, it is a great way to fend off boredom while waiting for something else to happen. Seems to be a better use of my time than just standing around building resentments!