Singles in Sobriety


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            This week we start off with speakers talking about what it is like to be single trying to work the steps and stay sober in the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. They are speakers from a “Singles in Sobriety” conference held in Lake Murray Oklahoma in 2002. They share their experiences in a heartfelt manner that captures the essence the twelve steps and shows how AA works for all people regardless of personal circumstance.

            We round out the week Friday with a speaker from the Carry the Message group in New Jersey talking about his experience with Step One.

             As noted in the last post, we found a great trove of old speakers from the 1940s, 50s, and 60s, that we are in the process of trying to cleanup and digitize. Many of the old tapes are in poor shape so the work moves ahead slowly, but, we are making progress. We will make these available to our loyal audience as we get them ready. Stay tuned for further announcements.

           Speaking of our loyal audience, the staff at Recovery Radio Network would like to thank you for your continued support of our efforts. We believe it is important work that provides a much needed service; and apparently you do too, as reflected in our server logs.

Recovery Radio Network used to average about 2000 visitors per month to our site when we were streaming media only,but since rebuilding the site, using modern tools that allowed us to add features like Blogging, iTunes, and Podcasting, we currently average over 7000 visitors per month. Our server logs also show that we have been visited by people from over 120 different nations and, oddly enough, from people on ships at sea as well. People aboard Cruise lines and US Navy warships have sent us e-mail detailing how they found Recovery Radio to be important to their individual recovery while at sea.

Ain’t technology great!!!

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