It’s an ugly truth.
Give an addict heroin and there is a chance they will die. Not because of fentanyl. But because they are an addict that is doing heroin.
Just an update, Philip Seymour Hoffman’s bag of dope didn’t have fentanyl in it. It wasn’t even too much. He was just an addict on a day that ended with the letter ‘y’. That is why he died.
37 deaths in Maryland. An abnormally large amount of deaths in Pittsburgh. Deaths in South Florida. People dying all the time from “drug overdose.” And it all has been chalked up to heroin, not just heroin though, heroin cut with fentanyl. A special potent mixture that leads to overdose and death.
We have heard so much about heroin cut with fentanyl, not only is it kind of getting obnoxious, but we all seem to have forgotten that heroin in and of itself is kind of problem. Hello!!
Forget the shit labeled Theraflu. Forget the marked baggies. Forget the relapse and tolerance crap. Just in case anyone has forgotten, heroin, all by its pretty little china white, beige or brown self, can cause you to draw in and out your last breaths on this awesome planet. All it has to be is that extra .1 or .2 (or maybe you ball hard and do a whole extra 1.0) and that does the trick.
Or maybe, just maybe, here is the kicker; It doesn’t even have to be extra at all, it could just be the next shot for no reason other than the fact that you are doing heroin. YOU ARE DOING HEROIN! And quite possibly can’t stop even if you want to. People die all the time from just good ‘ol heroin in its regular uncut form, merely because they were doing a drug that can potentially kill you. You just don’t hear about it because its usually some average guy or girl, not a celebrity, who dies alone, without 36 other deaths to make their passing newsworthy.
Heroin, in and of itself, without being too much, without needing fentanyl, without a low tolerance, IS DANGEROUS. Heroin is going to keep killing people as long as there are people doing heroin. No one has to overdose and do too much, they just have to use the stuff. This is the truth, especially for addicts. Anyone, absolutely anyone, who is using heroin runs the risk of dying, regardless of tolerance, regardless of what it is or isn’t cut with, and regardless of how experienced they are. People die because they are addicted to a drug and the risk of dying from it is there every time they decide they want to feel better, numb out, get high, whatever. The thought of death either never enters their mind, is immediately pushed out by the desire to get high, or is ignored with an invincibility idea that you get when you haven’t overdosed yet (“It can’t happen to me.”) Maybe the idea that they could die does enter their mind, but it means nothing when you are an addict. The facts are, that death from heroin can happen just because you’re a human being that did heroin. Forget the overdose part of it all together.
But how?
Heroin is a potent opiate analgesic. And the disease of addiction is one that will screw with you until you’re in your grave, jail, or have decided to change your life and get sober (and even then there needs to be constant progress.) Put that combo together and you don’t need the term overdose. You might not even need the term addiction in all reality. All you really need, to die, is heroin.
Heroin not only blocks your brain from being able to register pain, it also suppresses things like your breathing while slowing your heart rate. It is a depressant. Think slow, think sloth, think sleepy. That is what heroin does. It numbs you out and slows you down, get a little too slow, and you might just stop. The heart can slowly stop beating. The lungs can slowly stop inflating and deflating. It is really simple. And it doesn’t have to be a cocktail of crap mixed with heroin to cause it. Heroin does this by itself, even in small amounts. Every time an addict uses heroin this is what happens, and the next time they decide they want to get high, could be the time their body decides to stop instead of keep on keeping on. There doesn’t need to be a bigger reason or explanation behind it. Heroin is dangerous every single time you do it just because it’s heroin. People are NOT going to stop dying. Because people are still using heroin. And the majority of people are still using heroin because their addiction tells them need to. That my friend, is the ugly truth.