Recovery Radio Network Podcast is Moving

The Recovery Radio Network podcast is moving to a new home. After 13 years our current provider has decided to quit the podcasting business for personal reasons. We wish them well in their new adventure, and hope they continue to prosper. As the result , we have spent some time evaluating various podcast service provides and have decided that is the best fit for us.

As our site has grown over the years so have the requirements. We use more bandwidth today than ever before and our online storage needs have increased exponentially.

Recovery Radio Network delivered two million podcasts last year. In addition to that, we had our speakers downloaded over three million times. The streams and downloads served people in all parts of the globe. We believe that has the infrastructure in place to service our needs for years to come.

If you suffer a hitch in your delivery please be patient with us as we begin the process of migrating from one site to another. We will strive to make it as painless as possible for all of us. T0 visit our new site click this LINK

Thank you for your continuing support and as always we remain in your service.

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